NetX believes in the dignity and the intrinsic worth of every human being. We welcome, affirm, and support people of all abilities and disabilities, experiences, races, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, religion and non-religion, citizenship and immigration status, and any other category people use to define themselves or others. We strive to create safe and inclusive environments that celebrate diversity and foster positive relationships.
We are facing multiple pandemics: not just coronavirus, but also systemic racial and economic injustice. Although it felt new to many of us after George Floyd’s murder, anti-black racism was and is not new, economic injustice was/is not new. And the global health pandemic has disproportionately impacted our Black, Native American, and Latine communities. And we can’t separate these realities from our work and the world in which we operate. Members of our community are in it.
NetX carries a special duty — and has a special opportunity — to help address the disparities in community representation within our workforce. As a member of the tech industry, NetX acknowledges a long history of exclusion within this sector. Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, NetX acknowledges a very long history of exclusion and overt racism within our community. While acknowledgment is one step, NetX feels duty-bound to proactively foster diversity, equity and inclusion whenever and wherever possible, including making explicit choices to increase diversity within our workforce, and equity and inclusion within our workplace.
We spent 2020 reflecting, listening, learning, and moving into action; and our efforts towards making tangible improvements continues.
1435 NW Northrup Street
Portland OR 97209
Call us: (503) 499-4342
Gleimstrasse 52
10437 Berlin