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Open a Portal to Your Brand Assets

Use NetX to create branded Portals to your assets

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Quickly create a Portal to distribute brand assets

Every interaction that customers and partners have with your brand - including your digital asset management system - reinforces perception, so it has to be good. When you overlay a branded interface on top of the NetX platform, you leverage your existing taxonomy and permissions, to promote your organization’s corporate identity.

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Market curated collections to your users

NetX offers multiple ways to organize and collect assets - and all of these can be published directly to your Portal. Your Portals homepage can drive traffic.

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Create Micro CMS Pages

Use NetX Micro CMS Pages to create and share your brand guidelines or other helpful information about your organization directly from your Portal. 

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Create content pages to present your brand guidelines. Detail your brand colors, fonts, logos, and more. 

Page Templates

No coding required, choose from various templates, and easily layout pages with collections, folders, or saved searches. 

Mobile Friendly

NetX Portals are designed to look the same on tablets and mobile devices as they do in a web browser.

Public or Private

Portals can be open to everyone or require users to log-in.