Control the usage of copyrighted assets in the NetX digital asset management platform using our various Rights Management tools.
Use the DAM Download Requests features to allow users to request access to rights restricted assets. Users can fill out a form to indicate how they plan to use the assets and then a NetX admin can approve or deny the request.
Use search facets to allow users to easily filter down search results using custom metadata fields to indicate which assets are approved for publishing. Easily drill down to find royalty-free images or assets that have been preapproved.
Use permissions to ensure only authorized users can access your rights-managed assets. Entire folders of assets can be hidden from various users or groups, or individual assets can be flagged to ensure digital rights are being enforced.
Use watermarks on thumbnails and previews throughout the application, or destructively watermark asset downloads, PDF contact sheets, and other derivative files to prevent users from taking screenshots or misusing assets.
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